About Us | Creative Ministries

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About Us

Meet the team:

Jim Downey

Director: Creative Ministries

Jim is the Director of Creative Ministries. He heads up the team with a Degree in Busi­ness Man­age­ment, as well as a pas­sion for music (par­tic­u­larly brass) and the use of the cre­ative arts in the church.

Chris Cope

Production Manager

Chris joined Cre­ative Min­istries in 2009 after com­plet­ing a Diploma in Dig­i­tal Media. Chris brings a wealth of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence in the area of pro­duc­tion and is pas­sion­ate about pro­duc­ing qual­ity media and stun­ning events.

Kris Singh

Creative Resource Developer

Kris joined Cre­ative Min­istries team in late 2014, bring­ing with him a Degree in Media Stud­ies and Soci­ol­ogy, as well as expe­ri­ence as a wor­ship leader, musi­cian, writer and pro­ducer. He is pas­sion­ate about advanc­ing the cause of cre­ativ­ity in The Sal­va­tion Army and see­ing peo­ple dis­cover their God-​given cre­ative potential.

Jessica Keane

Media Producer

Jes­sica joined the Cre­ative Min­istries team in late 2016. With a Bach­e­lor of Media Arts, Jes­sica brings with her an exper­tise (and appre­ci­a­tion) of all things film, pho­tog­ra­phy and fine arts.

Maree Downey


Maree is Cre­ative Min­istries’ admin­is­tra­tor — she ensures that the invoices are paid, resources are booked and many of the prac­ti­cal day to day aspects of run­ning the depart­ment are met. Maree is also the Musi­cal Direc­tor of Spir­it­song, the National Choir of The Sal­va­tion Army